
Verse 1

Formed from Dust in God’s likeness,

Made for His glory.

Man turned from Him, and turned to sin;

Seeking to be free.


We thought freedom was to do,

All that we desired.

But, our desires were skewed toward sin;

And destined for the fire.


We were slaves then bound by chains,

We’d forged by all we’d done.

We had no hope, all on our own,

Of ever gaining freedom.

Verse 2

God in flesh, full righteousness,

He who knew no sin.

Where we’d succumbed to temptation,

Christ perfectly lived!


When He was bound to the cross,

Offered as a Lamb.

The Father deemed His death enough,

To pay the debt of sin.


In the grave he lay three days,

It seemed that death had won.

But Praise the Lord, Jesus burst forth!

Securing perfect freedom.

Verse 3

Though we’re free, our sin we see,

Prone to wander far.

We despise sin in our lives,

Purify our hearts.


“Lord come quickly!” is our Prayer

For we will be changed.

Right when we see Him as he is,

His Holiness ablaze!


No more fear the end of tears,

For Death will then be done!

To praise the Lord Forevermore,

Will be eternal Freedom.

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